Monday, April 26, 2010

Friday, April 23rd, 2010:

A special day as all three teams participated in the painting of a building at the village monastery. The task at hand? Paint everything ! Walls, doors, shutters etc. We started by moving all of the furniture to the center of the room, largely atop the platform the monk usually sits on during special celebrations. Pillars and shutters both inside and out were sanded, floors swept, the paint mixed handily by Ruwan and Anil, Developing World Connections in-country staff, and off we went! Lots of laughs, a few mistakes and tons of fun. The monk himself even picked up a roller – his first time painting!

Tea was served care of the monk and quite a spread was put out! Cookies, crackers, bananas and even chocolate cake. We removed our shoes and sat down for the required break. After lunch a part of the group left to participate in the English conversation classes at Kettakalawatta, while the remainder of us stayed back to finish the painting. We agreed as a group that we felt it was important to finish it before we left. And we did ! The monk was kind enough to show us the inside of the temple and explain a few of the wall paintings to us - with some help from Anil.

Before we knew it was 4:30 pm and we were off back to Palm Paradise for a special cocktail party prepared by Baba and Sterling and D.

All in all, a fantastic day with only one team member still MIA due to food poisoning.

Hilary Bruun
Developing World Connections Participant

April 22nd, 2010:

Daily Scruffus Thursday, April 22nd

Yahoo! Amalie is coming to-day and the team will be complete!

Yoga as usual on the beach but Ron headed for the bushes on the way to the yoga pad. But no one thought too much because he was extremely discreet about his business. In fact he instructed Steve in the finer points of Yoga in spite of his looming problem. A few members were missing from yoga although we were joined by a glamourous new guest which caused Baba Steve to only stretch in one direction thereby causing a a slight deformity in his manly form. Ron, of course, was not interested at all!!!
In the afternoon we were treated to a wonderful visit to Ketakalawatta Primary School where we observed the sweetest children practicing their English. They sang, the worked in a circle doing various activities chanting in English what they were doing. Steve Baba and Nama Sterling managed to created an atmosphere of excitement by joining in and leading the children who loved every minute of it. Janet lead a Q and A of English words and thanked everyone for receiving us.

Then it was on to Daffodil Computer and English School where the whole school was assembled for the presentation of Computer and English Certificates for those who had passed. Certificates were presented by Janet and other volunteers. Principal Bandula made a speech of appreciation and a plea for continued support. Janet spoke eloquently about Trip Canada and our appreciation for the ceremony which was held once we were there for which the students waited until we got to Sri Lanka. Janet also reiterated Developing World Connection's and Trip Canada’s continuing support for their programs. Various students made speeches in English. Baba Steve and Nama Sterling went to the computer room and committed to go and sort out some problems on Saturday when a class will be held at 9 AM!!! Good work boys to help on your day off!!

Team ONE -
All were laid low sadly by something mysterious. No shows at breakfast. Purging only to-day but no parging. Newly named Team Immodium went to the work site but left at 11AM returning to Palm Paradise and took the local cure of Coffee and lime. Runny Ron even had a brief visit to the hospital where he got the cure. All are recovering well having taken to their beds for the day for things to settle down. No work on the site for the day by the team. A case of food poisoning we think.

Team TWO
BBBC Team was in great form and headed to Somaselli’s along with Team Three headed to Lakshman’s when the vehicle screeched to a halt in front of the garbage dump above which was a poster of our illustrious Nama. All leaped out and photos were taken of Nama Sterling in all his glory. The police came by on a motor cycle and upon recognizing the son of the President posing in front of his own picture just about drive off the road smiling.

On the work site all went well and shellacking, painting and sanding of the window frames was going on a great pace. Susan, Ron and Steve were working on this but Nilantha spotted Oma, Hilary( Bomba) of Amalie ( who we think he likes) and said “you want work?”. Is "no" an option? So Bomba went to work quickly. All was well until her trowel went flying out the window all on it’s own. This further humiliated her as now they were all laughing. BUT she finished her wall by lunch time.

All rooms are progressing well and the house is looking amazing. Steve was back on site which helped a lot. Great day and the team worked really hard and well and a lot was accomplished. The bedrooms should all be plastered shortly. White washing is already well under way in bedroom One. Great work on a great day.

This team which is known as Team Awesome has method and efficiency. Same people at the work sight except Bryan who had to go back to Canada as he was not at all well. Fantastic masons on this team. Very open and friendly and encouraging. They love to have everybody plastering. Almost finished 3rd bedroom and 2 floors done to-day and almost finished floors. Team leader Amalie arrived to relieve Janet finally. A great tea was served and all were satisfied. Names signed in cement on the floor for a permanent memory. The production is amazing and all the floors are almost finished. This team is hot.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21st, 2010: Work Day Three

Team ONE:
Something funny happened on the way back from the site and the book remained in situ. I guess they didn’t have anything to report which is a bad sight. A large report will be expected from them tomorrow. Especially considering the amount of boasting they have been doing about their progress.

Team TWO:
On the way through Tangalle Ranjith accosted the vehicle and an incomprehensible conversation took place about who knows what. On the work. One of the big events of the day was the arrival of SUPPLIES consisting of 2 paint brushes, 15 bags of cement, and 10 bags of something to make white wash...Then lo and behold a dump truck arrived and it dumped more sand on the site for the weary to run back forth with in wheel barrows and sift and so on. There was some difficulty in restraining Baba who went for a ride on Nuwan’s bicycle when he was supposed to be working. Rasika, one of the sons of Somaseeli, came to visit and is coming back in a few days with his 10 month old baby. He unfortunately lost his foot when he stepped on a landmine but is in terrific shape. George was busy, confined to one room. Baba had to be sent to another site for the afternoon where his brawn was necessary to replace Team Leader Janet who was off to view the dancing. He probably had trouble keeping up her pace of furious and frenetic activity. SOMEBODY put cement hand prints on the back of t-shirts and Bomba suffered the indignity of having them put on an unmentionable part of her body. BUT a lot of work was done and the front yard was cleaned up by Susan, Hilary and Thilini and occasionally Baba. Plaster in each room and one more room was finished and a good start on the living room. 8 mixes of concrete for the walls were mixed. Wonderful teas were brought to us and we were spoiled. The team excelled and worked steadily.

This team is really moving with their sifting, making mud and plastering. The team of Podik, Ajit, Senevi and Lakshman on site when the team arrived. Neighbour Dimuthil was working on site as well. As well 15 bags of cement were delivered. Steve joined the Team THREE for the afternoon while Janet and Bruce went to view the dancing. Steve was shocked by how organized the work site was but he adapted quickly. Rain of purity watered all the rocks and a cool that lasted for at least 5 minutes before the steam arose again. Podi taught the team to mix rocks, sand and cement for the floor. Made three batches and an very efficient use of the wheel barrow to transports floor mixture to in large amounts which resulted in 2 rooms floors being done in 1 1/2 . An amazing feat. Baba will be transporting the new technique to Team 2 to improve speed as there is one floor left to do. High motivation at the site. Everyone worked very hard. Police came by for a visit all armed but left smiling after a friendly chat. A new shovel would be helpful. Great work team!

Daily Scruff-us
After work, Bruce and Janet went back to Ketakalawatta for Madu’s dance class. Madu is a very expert folk dancer and her life ambition is to go to University and become a professional dancer which involves instruction, practice and theory. We are sponsoring Madu to teach the beautiful country folk dance to younger children in the village. It was amazing and deeply moving to see 16 young women (6-16) learning this art.

Finally, the fearless and legendary Amalie is going to arrive Thursday morning at 3:30 from London having blown away the volcanic ash personally! It was a bit chilly in London wandering around in clothes for Sri Lanka. Everyone will be happy to see her and the tempo will pick up again. We had a wonderful lunch made by Senevi and Chamelie. Everyone voted to have them do it again if they will. What a great treat. Ron, Bomba and George stopped in town where Ron purchased another pair of those desirable sandals since his disappeared. The day ended with a fierce competition between Bruce and Baba.

Developing World Connections Participant
Hilary Bruun

April 20th, 2010: Day Two.

Team ONE:
Job for the day was floors and the team excelled doing three bedroom floors and almost all the living room which was a real feat. Now they know how to mix large amounts of cement consisting of I bag of cement powder to 3 of sand and 4 of gravel and Paha water. For their labours they were rewarded with a feast of Cashews as well as green mango and salt. Imagine that, they know how to make beetle nut and cement. This will be useful back home. A team name of Mason Huterai was chosen. They say it means the Amazing 4. They are even learning some words such as Bulat (Beetle Nut leaf), Hunu (paint) and Puwak (beetle nut). At the end of the day Team 2 arrived for pick up and could see that they needed assistance and all pitched in together.

Team TWO:
This was a day of relative quiet. For some reason Baba was unusually quiet and there was a movement to medicate him but he revived until he hit the plastering where he did not shine and suffered a reverse. His normal ebullient personality seemed to have deserted him. This was worrisome and the other members of the team had to pick on each other instead. Curious was up on the scaffolding which was okay but the usual problems occurred regarding the pools of water which seemed to drip from every part of his body, it is very hot out here. The Paster was mixed constantly and the team ran back and forth directed by Captain Bebe who kept us whipped into shape. Bomba was severely reprimanded by the mason for her incompetence. However the day was a great success and one bedroom was plastered and half of another one.The Mayor and henchmen visited and a discussion was held with the Ranjith and the team, particularly Dr. Bebe as how we could help Nuwan get more schooling. Some practical ideas were put forth such as a trade school in Tangalle newly opened. The family would just have to get him there but his bicycle should do the trick. A water buffalo wandered on to the sight to help us too. Somaseeli was most gracious and offered Bomba a special Nestomalt Energy drink. She must have noticed some puffing and panting. More tomorrow. At lunch Baba continued to chase children and play soccer by the community hall.

Floor day for the energetic ones who outdid themselves as they had in day one. Somebody had brought anIpod to the site which increased the speed and satisfaction of all. The team spent some time playing Rock, Scissors, Paper when there was a gap in the work flow. Nama was having trouble with Barb as she seemed to be superior in this game. Could be dangerous for Barb. Humour was not of the most savory to-day, Some team members got carried away..Seems that Barb and Daniela worked like some Canadian beavers and their endeavours succeeded in getting almost getting a 2nd room completed. Barb and Nama over layed one room which is a real sign of accomplishment. Two more bags of cement and lots of sand were used. Harashan arrived and lots of kids and helpers assisted. Some signs of recovery from Araak hangovers which was a relief. Someone ordered soup in a bag for lunch. What is that?

Daily Scruff-us;
A great night out was had by all at a beautiful restaurant on a lagoon with beautiful beach. Dinner was delicious and all was well. The food was delicious and all were happily make fun of each other. This seems to be normal for the group which is not always polite. It is hard to understand why Baba persists in calling Ron- Grampa before he is one. On the way back the two vans pulled up at a store where copious quantities of chocolate ice cream were purchased. On the way Baba and Janet sang a duet of one of Celine Dion’s song accompanied by howling and waving their arms. Daniela has the evidence on camera and voice. We could use it for blackmail or sell it to raise funds. After the purchase of the ice cream Grampa and Baba seemed to make up as they took off in a tuk tuk with Baba driving. No idea what happened to the driver. A race between Anil’s van and the tuk tuk carrying THE CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM took place.. the evening ended happily devouring the ice cream. Tomorrow another day.

Monday, April 19th: The group has been split into three Teams.

Our first work day began with Yoga on beach which all attended. Yogi Ron was attempting to give instruction but he was one upped by Daniela who seemed to know what she was doing. Then Breakfast and the announcement of the three teams. No way to have the two S’s on the same team as they seemed to have trouble getting to breakfast on time. Had to send one of our shriekers to arouse them. Mind you they did come all ready to depart when they did appear.Time to separate the pair of live wires. Photographs taken, first aid discussed and workplace routine and etiquette for those capable of taking everything in. Some members of the teams we not too alert and had to be prodded along. There was spectacular sight as we set off for the day when the Rogers Team showed off the Special Sri Lanka team shirts showing the Canada flag and Sri Lanka Flag, their names and other symbolic messages..Mind you they seemed to have some kind strange chant for Sri Lanka ending is a strangulated sort of shrieking...

Off to work driven by Anil and Rohan to the three sites went the teams. At the end of the day during which survival was at times questionable a cocktail party was hosted by Sue, Liz Ron and George..the only problem being someone forgot to invite Ron although he should have known as he was the host and providing goodies..However he sniffed about and realized that there was a good BENDER (party) going on and turned up..In the midst of the party some bags of clean laundry were delivered in the dark under the trees. Such great service here. Next on to dinner where fish was consumed along with the usual libations. Quantity unspecified. We were joined for dinner by Bruce and Janet’s friends Michael, Alison and Steele Forbes. Great Evening.

The Work Teams:
Team ONE:
This is the team of Mme Boss and Mrs A (for action) plus acolytes Ian, Brian, Barb and the son of the president..Namasita Sterling. Many favours have been given unfairly to this team due to the exalted status of the prestigious member who traded constantly on his father’s name..shameless really.Awesome work taking place at this house for the family of Kamala and Lakshman, Halshana and Isurika Masons Ajit and Podik and workers Senevi and Ari. Jobs to be done sifting sand for plaster, make plaster and level ground around house. What was achieved; Ian and Bryan plastered. Materials used 3 bags of cement, 2 hills of sand sifted, 2 plus batches of cement made, 3 walls done and laughter quotient was infinity. Only 3 visits to the toilet. On the ride home Sterling went shopping in Tangalle which resulted is a form of adulation which he did not deserve. Grocery clerks bowed down to him and caused him a severely inflated ego. He has now changed his name to Nama officially and will not be returning to Canada at this point. Of course, that could change..

Team TWO:
The scene at this team's work site was a scene of frenzied activity. Materials used consisted of 14 mixes of concrete produced using 7 bags of cement, 28 wheel barrels of gravel, 21 wheel barrels of sand. The family of Somaseeli includes Amali, Nayani, Thilini, Nuwan( who is deaf and a delight in every way). The Team members are as follows, Susan ( fearless Leader), George, Steve and Hilary. The team quickly became know as BBBC or Bebe, Baba, Bomba and Curious George (who had wandered off in to the bush for some strange reason) and thus got the name of Curious..He also seems to make a squeeking noise at the end of the team chant which is accompanied by Bomba and Baba dancing on the top of the gravel pile (working at the same time of course). Luckily the team pulled itself together and work so smoothly with their bucket brigade that they got the cement floors for 3 of the rooms and most of the floor for the living room done. Wha-hoo!!!

Yes ..this team was 'Hot" - consisting of Bruce, Liz, Ron and Daniela: They were very busy rushing to and fro making plaster for the house of Serath, Seeta and Nashini. The local workers are Kal, Vijay and Priyanti. Well they thought they were making plaster but an over abundance of sand caused a false start. A lot of slapping at the walls to no effect slowed them down as well and they managed to cover themselves and the floor in soggy sort of plops. However the workers were very pleased and told them what a fine job they were doing. Part of the time was spent scraping up what had been dropped and taking it back to the original slab to have it mixed again. Once they got going boy did they move to do the job. A highlight of the day was the tea break where special cashews from the cashew tree were served with tea. Family members were visiting including Seeta’s nephew who helping with sifting the sand. He was very good at this and that helped. A special feature of the day was observing first hand the preparation of beetle nut which was enjoyed by certain of the house family and hangers on. Big accomplishment at 2 outside walls were completed. I saw Bruce at work and he was really going at it.

Daily Scruff-us:
What a feast the villagers prepared us for lunch. It was so delicious and there were many wonderful dishes. We are do luck

Developing World Connections Participant
Hilary Bruun

April 18th: Arrival in Tangalle, Sri Lanka.

It all began Sunday when we set off after breakfast to visit the 3 houses we were going to be working on. Those who were new had no clue what they were going to be doing but it looked pretty intimidating. Those who had done this before were pretty nonchalant and a bit superior about things. However the day of reckoning coming on Monday would take care of that.

One Team Leader, Amalie Bruun, was sadly left stuck in London as no planes were flying due to the volcanic eruption and ash cloud in over the U.K. She was not happy with this at all but powerless to do anything. This is sad as she is real live wire. A visual delight as well. On to the visitation. Each family was so welcoming and we learned about all the work we were going to be doing. Some old friends were visited giving everyone an opportunity to see all the wonderful progress that has been made and catch up with the families’ news. Next stop was the incredible village created by Developing World Connections and Trip Canada over the past 5 years and words cannot describe the community spirit that welcomed us. People poured out their homes to welcome everyone with pride to show off new additions and tell of the improvements they had made in their homes and their lives. Ketakallawatta gave a wonderful sense of a lively community and friendships forged through working together . A real happening village full of life and fun.

Back to Palm Paradise hotel for lunch and a big group went to see the Rock Temple in the afternoon. What an amazing temple built and carved entirely out of rock which was started around 1250 AD. Incredible paintings in room after room of scenes from Buddhist history. Huge statues of Buddha lying on his side at each level as we climbed accompanied by monkeys approximately 200 steps. We could hear the monks chanting in the monastery. Led by Yogi Ian and Ron we communed with nature sitting at the top of the rock above the temple.

Back home the competition was fierce for the champion of Ping Pong. Seems that the venerable Bruce has a challenger in Steve who thinks he can do one better and dethrone Bruce. This is not likely as Bruce is too cagey but the competition will continue and we will report. Darts and chess as well!!!!! More competing and arguing about who was the best. Not good to identify anyone yet.

Developing World Connections Participant
Hilary Bruun

Second 2010 Team: April 16th - April 30th, 2010

Second 2010 Team: April 16th - April 30th, 2010

A Team of volunteers led by Developing World Connections Team Leaders, Amalie Bruun and Janet McKelvey, heads to Tangalle, Sri Lanka in April, 2010. Follow the latest posts and photos and learn more about TRIP Canada by visiting this link: