Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 20th, 2010: Day Two.

Team ONE:
Job for the day was floors and the team excelled doing three bedroom floors and almost all the living room which was a real feat. Now they know how to mix large amounts of cement consisting of I bag of cement powder to 3 of sand and 4 of gravel and Paha water. For their labours they were rewarded with a feast of Cashews as well as green mango and salt. Imagine that, they know how to make beetle nut and cement. This will be useful back home. A team name of Mason Huterai was chosen. They say it means the Amazing 4. They are even learning some words such as Bulat (Beetle Nut leaf), Hunu (paint) and Puwak (beetle nut). At the end of the day Team 2 arrived for pick up and could see that they needed assistance and all pitched in together.

Team TWO:
This was a day of relative quiet. For some reason Baba was unusually quiet and there was a movement to medicate him but he revived until he hit the plastering where he did not shine and suffered a reverse. His normal ebullient personality seemed to have deserted him. This was worrisome and the other members of the team had to pick on each other instead. Curious was up on the scaffolding which was okay but the usual problems occurred regarding the pools of water which seemed to drip from every part of his body, it is very hot out here. The Paster was mixed constantly and the team ran back and forth directed by Captain Bebe who kept us whipped into shape. Bomba was severely reprimanded by the mason for her incompetence. However the day was a great success and one bedroom was plastered and half of another one.The Mayor and henchmen visited and a discussion was held with the Ranjith and the team, particularly Dr. Bebe as how we could help Nuwan get more schooling. Some practical ideas were put forth such as a trade school in Tangalle newly opened. The family would just have to get him there but his bicycle should do the trick. A water buffalo wandered on to the sight to help us too. Somaseeli was most gracious and offered Bomba a special Nestomalt Energy drink. She must have noticed some puffing and panting. More tomorrow. At lunch Baba continued to chase children and play soccer by the community hall.

Floor day for the energetic ones who outdid themselves as they had in day one. Somebody had brought anIpod to the site which increased the speed and satisfaction of all. The team spent some time playing Rock, Scissors, Paper when there was a gap in the work flow. Nama was having trouble with Barb as she seemed to be superior in this game. Could be dangerous for Barb. Humour was not of the most savory to-day, Some team members got carried away..Seems that Barb and Daniela worked like some Canadian beavers and their endeavours succeeded in getting almost getting a 2nd room completed. Barb and Nama over layed one room which is a real sign of accomplishment. Two more bags of cement and lots of sand were used. Harashan arrived and lots of kids and helpers assisted. Some signs of recovery from Araak hangovers which was a relief. Someone ordered soup in a bag for lunch. What is that?

Daily Scruff-us;
A great night out was had by all at a beautiful restaurant on a lagoon with beautiful beach. Dinner was delicious and all was well. The food was delicious and all were happily make fun of each other. This seems to be normal for the group which is not always polite. It is hard to understand why Baba persists in calling Ron- Grampa before he is one. On the way back the two vans pulled up at a store where copious quantities of chocolate ice cream were purchased. On the way Baba and Janet sang a duet of one of Celine Dion’s song accompanied by howling and waving their arms. Daniela has the evidence on camera and voice. We could use it for blackmail or sell it to raise funds. After the purchase of the ice cream Grampa and Baba seemed to make up as they took off in a tuk tuk with Baba driving. No idea what happened to the driver. A race between Anil’s van and the tuk tuk carrying THE CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM took place.. the evening ended happily devouring the ice cream. Tomorrow another day.

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