Monday, April 27, 2015

April 21: Day 3 - The Vets and the Newbies Get to Work

It was quite a day for the 28 of us here in Tangalle. While we have been divided into three work teams, the more significant difference between us is not that we worked at the Muslim school, the female monk’s temple or out in the fields of the Palatheduwa temple. It was whether or not we were one of the vets or a first timer. On this trip, we are split about 50/50.

For those returning, it was all about putting to use the skills learned on previous adventures and catching up with people they have met along the way. “More painting. More parging. More mixing. It’s so hot. More sweat!!!” It turns out that parging (plastering) is second nature to Katy. And Kristian KNEW that the first day would be the hardest with all time devoted to making and pouring concrete.

Our dear Susan and Hilary were so happy to re-connect with the people and families who have become so special to them. Hilary wondered if she would be remembered by the mason Suresh only to find that he got quite a kick out of her new hair cut!

Then there were those of us who had no idea what to expect. (Even Christine was amazed at what could be accomplished with simple tools! Lucky she raced down the driveway in the morning and managed to catch the van!) What did became clear early on was how quickly and well we worked together.

David and Scott are both convinced that their teams are the best! We can’t overlook our Sri Lankan partners, who not only kept things running smoothly, but also organized our “tea time”.
So we are off and running. By tomorrow, we will all be old pros! The divide between us will have faded and we will all know what is coming our way!

Janet McKelvey
DWC/TRIP Canada Team Leader
Sri Lanka, April 2015

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